Not a band for the faint-hearted: armed with an obliterating attack on the senses and a ruthless sound like no other, Heriot have been making huge waves in the UK metal scene.

Their fusion of metallic hardcore, industrial noise and sludgy riffs has already propelled them to support slots with Lamb of God, Thy Art Is Murder and a full European run with Rolo Tomassi. The quartet consisting of Jake Packer, Julian Gage, Debbie Gough and Erhan Alman have made it no secret that their music does not pull any punches.
Heriot's new single Demure, which was released in February 2023, is a clear warning sign that this band is willing to jump headfirst into mind-boggling experimentation that yields excruciatingly heavy results - leaving you with nothing but whiplash and thirst for more.
We caught up with drummer Julian Gage to discuss the band's formative days, the creation of their debut album Profound Morality and their upcoming plans for 2023.
Listen below: